Assessment framework - LandScale

A common language for landscape sustainability

LandScale drives improvements at scale by enabling the private sector, governments, and civil society to generate and communicate reliable information about landscape sustainability.

A structured, practical approach

The result of two years of field-testing and extensive consultation, LandScale’s assessment framework is both practical and credible. It aligns with key Environmental, Social, and Governance frameworks and with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

A common language for landscape sustainability

The assessment framework provides a holistic set of performance indicators that resonate with a wide variety of stakeholders. Organized into four pillars, it’s designed to be globally relevant, yet it can also be tailored to different landscapes and stakeholders. Read the full framework here.

Conserve and restore natural ecosystems

  • • Effective conservation and protection of natural ecosystems
  • • Natural ecosystem conversion
  • • Natural ecosystem degradation
  • • Ecosystem restoration
  • • Natural ecosystem connectivity

Protect and restore biodiversity

  • • Threats to species
  • • Biodiversity habitat conversion
  • • Biodiversity habitat degradation
  • • Biodiversity habitat restoration
  • • Biodiversity habitat protection

Maintain and enhance ecosystem services

  • • Water quantity
  • • Water quality
  • • Agriculture, forestry, and other land land use (AFOLU) sector GHG sources and sinks
  • • Other ecosystem services

Recognize and protect rights to land and resources, and reduce related conflicts

  • • Land tenure
  • • Land conflicts
  • • Resources tenure

Promote transparency, participation, inclusion, and coordination in land use policy, planning, and management

  • • Land use plan adoption and enforcement
  • • Coordination of government agencies in land-use policy, planning, and management
  • • Stakeholder participation and inclusion in land-use policy, planning, and management
  • • Illegality and corruption related to land and resources
  • • Climate change vulnerability and adaptation

Improve standard of living, especially for vulnerable and marginalized groups

  • • Household income and assets
  • • Health and nutrition
  • • Education
  • • Water, sanitation, and hygiene
  • • Basic infrastructure
  • • Vulnerability

Respect, protect, and fulfill human rights

  • • Child labor
  • • Women's rights
  • • Indigenous peoples' rights and other marginalized groups' rights
  • • Forced labor
  • • Worker’s rights
  • • Other human rights

Promote regenerative agricultural, agroforestry, and tree production systems

  • • Agricultural, agroforestry, and tree plantation productivity
  • • Input use efficiency in agricultural, agroforestry, and tree production systems
  • • Adoption of sustainable land management practices
  • • Adoption of sustainable waste management practices

Promote sustainability of other natural resource-based production sectors

  • • User-defined indicator(s)

Tailor the framework to meet your needs

The framework and platform can be customized to meet your needs by adding custom goals, indicators, and metrics. Please contact the LandScale team to discuss your needs.

Download the full assessment framework

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