Access reliable insights about landscape initiatives
Use the LandScale platform to find credible information about landscapes across the globe, support initiatives to deliver impact at scale and simplify your reporting for SBTN and CDP disclosure processes.

Set up your free account so you can…
1. Get the full picture
Visit individual landscape profiles to find out more about the maturity of the initiative, the actions being taken to improve sustainability, and what support is needed to create real change.

2. Engage with landscape initiatives
Use our Landscape Explorer to connect with landscapes you are sourcing from or want to invest in, and find validated information on landscape maturity aligned with CDP and SBTN disclosure processes.

3. Support landscapes on their sustainability journey
Identify landscapes seeking support, and help them to scale their impact through targeted investment.

4. Make credible claims
Use our investment and impact claims mechanism to showcase your contributions to landscape-level sustainability (visit Claims page).

LandScale insights in action
Read our latest case studies to find out how landscapes around the world are using LandScale to monitor progress on their sustainability journey and create lasting change.