Grant Proposal Toolkit - LANDSCALE


Grant Proposal Toolkit

Guidance for including LandScale in grant proposals.

Published February 20, 2023 • Updated December 15, 2023

This toolkit provides guidance and content for including LandScale in grant applications as the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning tool for your Landscape initiative.



Section 1: Introducing LandScale

Here you’ll find an overview of LandScale which you can use to introduce the tool in your proposal.


Section 2: LandScale features

This section includes LandScale’s features and services in detail, which you can use to familiarise your donor with the tool.


Section 3: Budget requirements

Here you’ll find a detailed breakdown of the budget for carrying out a LandScale assessment.


Section 4: How LandScale can benefit donors

This section provides information on how LandScale can be used by donors themselves to facilitate the identification of risks and opportunities, and as a tool for monitoring results.



Expertise required by the team conducting a LandScale assessment.


Download the full toolkit as a PDF by clicking here.