LandScale - Powering Landscape Sustainability

Powering landscape sustainability

Get the full picture of landscape-scale impact, connect to initiatives, and find supporters

LandScale Platform

What LandScale can do for you

Create your profile and validate the maturity of your initiative against criteria which are aligned to key reporting frameworks including SBTN and CDP’s global environmental disclosure system.

Use our user-friendly assessment tool to credibly assess, validate and report sustainability impact at landscape level.

Find out more about the maturity of landscape initiatives, the actions being taken to improve sustainability, and what support is needed to create real change.

Connect with landscapes you are sourcing from or want to invest in, and find validated information on landscape maturity aligned with CDP and SBTN disclosure frameworks.

Identify landscapes seeking support, and help them to scale their impact through targeted investment.

"Over the last two decades, I've heard hundreds of landscape leaders worldwide asking for help in measuring their work's impact on production, nature, people and institutions across the whole landscape. Finally, I can point them to LandScale, a solution that provides the deep insights landscape collaboratives urgently need to quantify what's happening on the ground."

Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners

"Issues like deforestation and biodiversity can be addressed more effectively by collective action at a landscape scale. LandScale provides a needed framework for measuring performance and incentivizing improvement at this scale."

Patrick Mallet, ISEAL Director, Innovations

"Landscape-scale programs are key to achieving long-term, sustainable E&S outcomes on the ground. LandScale provides a system for financial institutions to identify and manage project-related E&S risks more holistically, report results in a standardized manner, and build trust and momentum in multi-stakeholder partnerships."

Lori Anna Conzo, International Finance Corporation

"LandScale provides coalitions of local partners with a comprehensive, clear framework that allows them to chart a shared path to sustainability and link directly with the companies looking to invest in and source from places committed to building a better world."

Scott Henderson, Conservation International

"We need tools like LandScale to put into context what is happening at different spatial scales and take in land use governance that goes beyond the remit of individual companies."

Dr Christopher Stewart, Global Head CR&S, Olam Food Ingredients

"LandScale provides a way to globally showcase the impact of nature-based solutions and can bring a competitive advantage to different projects based on rigorous results."

Felipe Castaño Diaz, Senior Coordinator, Biodiversity & Landscapes Project Implementation, South Pole

"LandScale creates solid bases to structure jurisdictional programs with comprehensive objectives around work with productive chains at risk for forests in areas of strategic conservation importance."

Rodolfo Rodriguez, Consultant at Colombia´s Ministry of Environment & Sustainable Development

How it works

If you’re a landscape initiative…


  • Create your profile
  • Report the maturity of your landscape initiative
  • Assess your sustainability baseline
  • Catalyze stakeholder engagement
  • Attract support and investment
  • Track progress over time


Cattle farm

If you are a company, donor or investor looking to engage with a landscape initiative…


  • Create your profile
  • Explore and connect with landscapes
  • Provide support


Ready to get the full picture?

We are LandScale

A growing coalition of global partners, led by the Rainforest Alliance and Conservation International

Trusted by leaders in sustainability

South Pole
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Mindo Cloudforest

Insights from landscapes around the world

Make more sustainable landscape management, investment, and sourcing decisions using reliable landscape-level insights

LandScale Platform

Featured case studies

Learn more about how landscape initiatives are using LandScale to scale their impact.